A medium sized suburban rear garden in North Yorkshire, UK

Rear Garden - Phase 1 - Preparing the Alpine Bed

Photographer:- Laurie Pickering (NIKON Coolpix 8700 Digital Camera) - 20 July 2008
Copyright: - Laurie Pickering

The two photos below show Phase 1 of the construction of the Alpine Bed.  The border of the bed has been defined by the rocks, and we have dug in some compost and small gravel for drainage, but we still need more material to bring the level of the bed slightly higher.
PHOTO 1 shows how much we have extended the rockery.
PHOTO 2 is the same view as above, but you can see our little innocent looking 'puppy', who is the reason for having to fence off most of our borders, as she insists on trampling through unprotected areas.  So far, the rocks seem to be enough to keep her out of the new Alpine bed, so we've been able to dispense with additional fencing here.

We plan to dig a small area of grass from in front of the new rocks along its whole length, and put down alternate stepping stones and gravel, just to give us a hard area to tend the Alpine bed, and to make cutting the remaining grass easier.

Once we've dug in the next load of compost, etc., we'll let it settle for a couple of weeks, which will give us time to decide on the plants we want.

Rear Garden - Phase 1 Preparation

Rear garden - Phase 1 Preparation - puppy

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