A medium sized suburban rear garden in North Yorkshire, UK

Rear garden before preparation begins for new Alpine bed.

Photographer:- Laurie Pickering (NIKON Coolpix 8700 Digital Camera) - 16 July 2008
Copyright: - Laurie Pickering

The two photos below show the proposed area for our Alpine Bed.
PHOTO 1 shows the current rockery which contains a large Conifer, Euonymous, Lavender and Begonias.  The last two plants have been dug up for now and put into pots.  We plan to extend the wall outwards by another 3 feet.
PHOTO 2 gives a wider view of the rockery area and to the left of it we have a planted border with a wooden fence in front.  This currently serves as a deterrent to keep our ever inquisitive Labrador dog out, as she insists on trampling through unprotected areas.  This will be removed as the rockery wall will extend along the the front and 3 feet away from the border.

The unsightly green plastic fence on the right is another one of our 'dog' deterrents, protecting our planted border just out of shot down the right-hand side of the garden.

Rear Garden - unprepared rockery area

Rear garden - unprepared rockery area


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