R A Meredith New Plant Development

Paul Gooderham

Welcome to R A Meredith New Plant Development, based at Bressingham where we carry out our New Plant trials.
Plants are entered into the trials from all over the UK, Europe, USA etc. Contributers include gardeners and professional growers.
Sucsessful plants are marketed through R A Meredith and Blooms using the brands Country Fresh and Blooms Perennials.
Blooms have a similar facility in Pennsalvania USA.
If you have a plant you think might be of interest go to the websites
www.rameredith.com or www.bloomsofbressinghamplants.com or www.geraniumrozanne.com, follow links at the bottom of the page.

Photographer:- Paul Gooderham
Open Ground Trial Areas at Bressingham
Related links:
Blooms of Bressingham
R A Meredith & Son (Nurseries) Ltd (Wholesale Only)
Ideas for Gardens
Geranium Rozanne

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