The plants at Higher Knowle, Devon, England

Higher Knowle built in 1914 by a pupil of Lutyens in the "Arts and Crafts" style.

Garden Address:
Higher Knowle Garden
TQ13 9SP

The plants in this garden are documented using:
Flower Genie-Software for Gardeners
The database may be downloaded for use in Flower Genie

Garden Description: A granite house with a lawn, a woodland garden and a water garden. Good views of Dartmoor. The plants are labelled and the large granite boulders appear as natural sculpture

Directions for Visiting: 3 miles north west of Bovey Tracey turn off the A382 for Lustleigh, after 0.25 miles turn left and then right, after 0.25 miles turn left up steep dirve

Opening Dates and Times: End of March to End of May, Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays Open 2pm to 6pm

Public Admission: Adult £2.50

Photographer:- David Quicke, Devon, England
Taken in ?

This web page created using  Ideas Genie Pro - Software for Plants and Gardens

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